William Black, a product of the Kansas City School of Economics, and who helped bust Keating during the S&L crisis, is just awesome in this round
of interviews.  He exposes the financial fraud in the recent bailouts, and shows Obama’s complicity.

During the first 15 minutes of Max & Stacy’s June 13th podcast, while discussing the recent arrest of two men travelling with $134B in bonds in a double-bottom briefcase, they present the concept that “no one does global accounting on CUSIP Numbers” (ie. Bonds) so therefore “peek-a-boo accounting” games can continue unabaited at corporations across the globe seeking to mislead auditors as to the strength of their corporate balance sheets. What is needed to stop this and other financial frauds is a “global accounting system,” proclaims Keiser.

Play Max & Stacy’s June 13th Podcast

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What Max & Stacy are doing is helping to strengthen the establishment’s creation of a global dialectic, whereby the problem (ie. affirmation) is an unregulated global system and the response (ie. negation) is destablization, fraud, theft, global poverty, etc. The solution Max & Stacy propose (ie. negation of the negation) is a globlal system of checks and balances.

In fact, Max goes so far as to say, “if you are against the global system you are against global accounting.” The setup is now complete and the appropriate frames (ie. dialectics) established. Hence, if the public wants to clean up this global financial mess, irrespective of who created it, there is only ONE way, and that is to establish a global accounting and auditing system. To be against this solution is to be for continued fraud, theft, poverty and destabilization of society.

It’s a perfect setup! The public must now support a global infrastructure of checks and balances in order to stop the economic madness. We’re now just one more step closer to a full spectrum globalist system. But doesn’t that support the global oligarchs, and I though Max and Stacy were for the public and opposed to the global oligarchs? Hmmm.

Aristotle said…

“People that can’t think dialectically aren’t really human beings at all, they just look like human beings.”

Perhaps it is time for the public to heed and respond to Artistotle.

Michael Hudson is an economic historian who continues to be a voice of truth, reason, rationality and perspective, with a consistent concern for the public. I highly recommend listening to his latest interview on the global economy and the maneuvers of the global cabal.

Download Audio file (MP3) of Friday May 8th, 2009 Interview